10 Simple Ways to Spread the Optimism and Positive Energy Starting Today

Fusion Chiropractic and Dr. Cynthia Seebacher, D.C. are not offering free medical advice. Any information in the links provided are the opinion of the writer of the article. If you have questions please contact my office at 404.838.8985 —

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill Optimism. It can turn a situation that looks negative or bleak into an opportunity or something to learn from. It can replace the draining thoughts of pessimism with something that will create more positive energy and enthusiasm […]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ThePositivityblog-PutSomePersonalDevelopmentAndPositivityIntoYourLife/~3/P8G0lwwgkU0/

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Posted in The Empowered Patient Series.