FAQ: What other services do you offer outside of just being a Chiropractor?

Dr. Cynthia was a massage therapist for a long time prior to being a chiropractor and of course offers massage services as well as what we call a “Chiro-Massage”. This is an amazing way to work on all the pieces of your body effecting your pain, as well as go between the two tables as needed.

We offer Core-Restore therapy sessions to help build strength in patients to help heal the whole self.

We also offer Hypnotherapy sessions that include a take home recording to listen to after your session.

Whatever your body needs? Yeah we probably do that!
#fusionchiro #chiropractic #massage #selfcare #painfree #chronicpainsurvivor #fusionchiropractic #chiropractor #getadjusted #adjustment


Posted in The Empowered Patient Series.