84 Perseverance Quotes to Help You to Keep Moving Through the Tough Times

Fusion Chiropractic and Dr. Cynthia Seebacher, D.C. are not offering free medical advice. Any information in the links provided are the opinion of the writer of the article. If you have questions please contact my office at 404.838.8985 —

Today I’d like to share a collection of quotes on perseverance. Because to me this is one of the most underrated things in life and one of the most powerful qualities a person can have. People often focus on talent, inspiration and intelligence when they talk about achieving success (or overcoming tough times). But perseverance […]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ThePositivityblog-PutSomePersonalDevelopmentAndPositivityIntoYourLife/~3/QeoKhCkLHt0/

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Posted in The Empowered Patient Series.