The Empowered Patient

The Empowered Patient

The patient that is highly in tune with the subtle energies of the body is an empowered patient.

We tend to wait until our symptoms are overt and overwhelming before we seek assistance.

By this time we are deep in the throws of ‘need of care’ and recovery can seem overwhelming and often impossible.

By teaching people how to tune in to the physical and emotional side of the human body, we can often address issues well before they turn into full blown emergency states.

Knowing the body and taking account of your daily, weekly, monthly ‘body status’ not only helps us nip issues in the bud, it helps our care givers have a more accurate starting point for diagnosis and treatment.

The result of which can be multi-fold….

  1. Reduced need for unnecessary testing.
  2. Reduced misdiagnosis
  3. Reduced unnecessary treatment modalities.
  4. Reduced ineffective treatment modalities.
  5. Increased efficacy of treatment
  6. Reduced overall costs of treatment
  7. Increased speed of recovery.

Don’t worry…tuning into the subtle energies of the body won’t make you ‘Psychic’. You won’t quit your job and become a Medical Medium.  You’ll simply know your body better and find a strength in empowerment that can lead to faster healing and more effective personal change.

Knowing your own body, your own biological needs is something that everyone has within them, we just tend to ignore this process and defer to experts. No wonder why we hate going to the doctor so much…intuitively we know they are often looking for a needle in a haystack.

But what if we could help them pinpoint a specific area that the needle was located? What if we could eliminate a significant amount of guesswork in the diagnosis process?  What if we could see ourselves as an energy system and determine at least, which areas of that system seem stagnant or simply not functioning at full capacity?  We’d be empowered and two steps ahead of the standard process…which as mentioned, can result in many benefits.

So how do we do this? Do we need to take classes on spiritual development or train with some sort of guru? Do we need to go to medical school? NO. All you need to do is slow down, tune in, pay attention and learn to become aware of your body’s rhythms, norms, standards and make note of anything that is not in your definition of 100% healthy and effective.

This process will give your care giver a much more detailed portrait of you to start with. We like to blame doctors for not knowing what’s wrong with us by just glancing at us or running a few tests, but the truth is, we are so complex that giving them a leg up with detailed information on our energy (no matter how subtle) can only yield more effective results.

So let’s get to it! Let’s start with very simple processes of ‘tuning in’ to ourselves.

Simple processes include….

Daily observation and attention.

Logging and charting.

Learning to describe subtle body differences and simple ‘body scanning’.

You should keep a journal of your observations.

Each person’s health goals will help determine what they should be paying attention to and what they should be logging.

The empowered patient isn’t just empowered because they know what’s ailing before the doctors do, they are empowered because they are paying attention to, and keeping a log of all things that are effecting their health, from stress levels, to nutrition, to environmental exposures, to simple every day things like the way we sit in our vehicle or carry our handbag.

The Empowered Patient Series is presented by Dr. Cynthia Seebacher, D.C. and Samantha Hall, psychic medium and women’s empowerment coach.

Please feel free to invite guests.
Snacks and Wine will be provided.
This is the first of the Women, Wine & Wellness on Wednesday series.
R.S.V.P. is appreciated.  Simply text your name and how many people you are bringing to
Dr. Cynthia @ 404-838-8985.


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